Nan Goodship
Noticing the Unnoticed
I began this series in 2015 and have continued it since then. “Noticing the Unnoticed” is about paying contemplative attention to the natural world. The more I observe without a specific agenda, photographing what I see without the expectation of capturing it perfectly, and later returning to these photos as a starting point for painting, the more I engage in active exploration. This helps me discover the unexpected, whether I’m outside or in my studio. When I walk, I look for a kind of surprise and beauty that isn’t premeditated or constructed. I aim to see what the natural world reveals about itself. Using visual notes from my cell phone offers a different experience from being outdoors, but it helps in understanding composition and form. In painting, I decide what should be the focus and what should be omitted. My goal is to create a finished painting that feels complete and engaging, one that encourages attentive observation.